Friday, August 04, 2006

Take a Plane, Take a Train, Take a Car

You take the castle-theme, the "MiLords, MiLadies and Squires" flying around, the cheesy get-ups and the overly-dramatic speeches of Medieval Times and I suppose it's no surprise I felt like I was back at Excalibur, minus the degenerate gambling and horrid customer service. Then again, the smell of stale horse urine in the Arena also reminded me of The Plaza.

AJ had a fantastic time, bouncing around in his seat for the full two hours. The show was mostly entertaining, the food edible and his interpretive post-show dance/swordplay of what he had seen was worth double the price of admission. Of course, when we passed the similar Pirate-themed dinner show on the way home, X and I suggested that perhaps grandma would like to take him to that one.


So, you take horses and the memories of degenerate gambling with bloggers and you come up with an idea.

Blogger Day at Del Mar.

I hereby invite any and all LA, OC, San Diego, Santa Barbara and hey, how about a shout-out to Schnecksville to join me and...well...nobody at this a Saturday at the track, where the surf meets the turf.

The date is Saturday, Aug. 26. Post time 2 p.m. If you're interested, drop me a comment or send an e-mail from my profile within the next few days. Once I get a number, I'll order some tickets. At my advanced age, I prefer the Stretch Run seating, which offers a fine view of the entire track. Back in the day, when you could bring your own beer, we'd lug massive coolers into the infield where, by the 5th race, we'd be so loaded that we'd pick horses based on perceived drug references in their name.

"Dude, I'm going with Blueberry Policy."
"'Cause some blueberries would be AWESOME right now and 'cause Reagan's Drug Policy is total bullshit."

But the last time I was there a couple summers ago, the infield was barren dirt, was not populated by skimpily-clad SDSU co-eds and was generally a depressing (and very hot) place to be. And you can't bring your own coolers any longer. Furthermore, they will be holding a concert by Jimmy Eat World in the infield that day and if I hear more than 10 seconds of Jimmy Eat World, I'll be fleeing to Tijuana to escape murder charges.

So, if anyone's interested, as they say on myspace, "hit me up, yo."


At 1:07 PM, Blogger BG said...

Aw man...

At 9:12 PM, Blogger Yoyo (Poker Poison) said...

I was just talking to Iggy last night saying that we need to have a blogger event in LA.

After all the fun in Vegas and the other night at the Hustler...I'm craving for more blogger activities.

Great idea! I love the ponies.

Count me in!!!!!

At 9:34 PM, Blogger April said...

Um....does the 12th work? I'll be in LA next weekend.

At 8:16 AM, Blogger The Bracelet said...

That's a great idea.

If my ticket originally planned for the Bash can be changed cheaply I may be in. I'll check it out tomorrow and give you a shout, yo.

At 4:56 PM, Blogger iamhoff said...

Great idea. If the gods of chance work things in my favor, count me in. Hell, it's but a short drive (few miles) from Casa de Hoff. We shall see...

At 8:31 PM, Blogger The Bracelet said...

I'm in.


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