Sunday, October 21, 2007

Found Money

Your son has been in bed for an hour. You recently busted out of the Blogger Big Game in 12th. You have a buttload of shows backed up on TiVo and think sitting down to watch them is the perfect way to end the week, relaxation on top of the four beers (Rogue Dead Man Ale) you've comsumed.

There's one thing missing. Okay, a second thing that's not dark-haired and gorgeous and smells like a fresh-water stream. Popcorn? No good. A handful of Pringles, sure, but not gonna do the job. Goldfish crackers? C'mon.

Then, in your Ale-addled brain, a spark of memory. And 4 minutes later, that half a carnitas burrito left over from lunch is a ghost.

I am gonna write about the recent Vegas trip, but, while I wipe the salsa verde from my mouth, please check out Div's excellent reports.


At 9:25 AM, Blogger SetAces said...


It's "Dead Guy Ale", not Dead Man. ;) I live about 60 miles away from the brewery (Portland, OR).

At 9:53 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

And 4 minutes later, that half a carnitas burrito left over from lunch is a ghost

Did Daddy fly in for lunch? Could have sworn he was putting together the same meal...


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